Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Mount Tabor Alumni (TOSA) Meet 2015

Greetings to you 
            It would be a pleasure for all of us here in the Tabor family to have continued ties with all of our dear progenies. Hope all of you are faring well in your profession by the grace of God and earning laurels for yourself as well as your Alma Mater.
            On 10th October 2015 (Saturday), we are organizing an Alumni Meet (TOSA 2015) of the Mount Taborians in the college campus from 9:00 AM -3:30 PM. The event will begin with registration at 9:00 AM followed by an interaction session and Lunch followed by thrilling cultural events in which we wish you will relive & refresh your past memories.
            We are sure that you will certainly roll in, to walk down the memory lanes, relishing the events that have always pirouetted in your minds ever since you left the portals of this institution and make it available to be with your teachers, mentors and not the least, your old buddies and colleagues.
            You are our valued ambassador and we would want your continued association with us. You are an integral part of Mount Tabor family, a part of past achievements, present aspirations and future hopes.
We eagerly look forward to your presence on this occasion

Friday, 10 October 2014

Oath - Alumni Induction

           We, do solemnly pledge unbroken allegiance/ to our Alma Mater in appreciation for the opportunities for transfiguration / rendered to us as students at Mount Tabor.
            We swear to faithfully fulfill our duties as graduates of Mount Tabor Training College/ imbued by the spirit of its vision and mission/ to render positive service to the community, state and nation./
            We will endeavor / to earn our own place among the alumni/ who by their devotion to this ideal,/ have brought recognition and honor to their alma mater./
            We as goodwill ambassadors of this institution / promise to keep the flag of our alma mater flying high / by living and spreading the culture of Mount Tabor./ We will always strive to stay together as a family/ by networking with our fellow Taborians /and shall ever do our best /  to uphold the ideals and traditions of our Alma Mater./